How to Dispose of Candles?

How to Dispose of Candles?

What really happens when your candle has burned its last flicker? You dispose of it, right?

Proper disposing of candles is essential not only for maintaining a clean environment but also for minimizing the environmental footprint of your candle use. 

While traditional candles, often made from paraffin wax can be tricky to dispose of due to their synthetic nature, more people are turning to Candle Pearls as an compostable and sustainable alternative.

Let’s take a look at how to dispose of candles (both), and determine which one is better for the environment!

Disposing of Traditional Candles

Disposing of Traditional Candles

Here are some key steps to follow when disposing of traditional candles:

1. Remove Excess Wax: Before discarding your candle, remove any leftover wax. If it’s stuck, you can freeze the candle jar, allowing the wax to shrink and pop out more easily.

2. Reuse or Recycle Candle Container: Glass jars and metal tins for used candles are typically recyclable. Clean out any remaining wax and wick debris, then place the container in the appropriate recycling bin. Better yet, reuse the container as a storage jar, planter, or decorative piece.

3. Dispose of Wax Thoughtfully: Paraffin wax should be thrown away in regular waste, as it is not recyclable or compostable. However, small amounts of wax can be reused to make new candles by melting and reforming them with a fresh wick.

While this process ensures minimal waste, the fact remains that traditional candles are not an eco-friendly option.

How to Dispose of Candle Pearls™?

When your Candle Pearls™ have burned down, disposal is as effortless as their use:

1. After Burning: Once the candle has finished burning, let the wax around the wick cool and harden. Now, you can remove the wick and the solidified wax and save the remaining Candle Pearls™ for future use. Since only a small percentage of the wax melts during each burn, that is approximately 3.5 ounces over 8 hours, the majority of the wax remains intact and can be reused.

Simply store the unused candle pearls properly to keep them in excellent condition for the next use.

2. Reusing Candle Pearls™: One of the key benefits of pearled candles is their sustainability. Because the majority of the wax remains after each burn, you can reuse the pearls infinitely. Just add a refill and a new wick to continue enjoying your candle. This not only makes Candle Pearls™ an economical choice but also a highly eco-friendly option.

3. Compost the Wax: If you decide to dispose of the leftover wax, consider adding it to your compost pile. The natural ingredients will break down over time, enriching your compost with organic material.

Alternatively, if you don’t have a compost pile, you can bury the wax in your garden, where it will decompose naturally.

4. Recycle or Reuse the Container: The containers used are typically recyclable, just like those of traditional candles. After burning, clean the container by wiping it with a microfiber cloth to remove any residue. And then, these can be used in multiple ways.

Why Candle Pearls™ Are a Better Choice for the Environment?

Unlike traditional paraffin or even some synthetic wax candles, Candle Pearls™ are made from 100% natural, compostable ingredients. 

Let’s take a look at some key factors to decipher why these are a better choice!

  • Completely Natural and Sustainable: Candle Pearls™ are derived from natural plant-based wax, free from soy or paraffin. 
  • Compostable and Biodegradable: When you’re done with your Candle Pearl, you can simply add the remaining wax to your compost pile or bury it in your garden, allowing it to decompose naturally, enriching the soil.
  • Low Environmental Impact: Much like beeswax candles, the pearled candles burn cleaner and produce no soot. This drastically reduces the release of harmful chemicals into the environment.
  • Luxurious Ambiance: These offer the perfect balance of luxury and sustainability. Their soft, pearlescent finish creates a beautiful ambiance while burning, making them an eco-conscious yet elegant choice for any home or special event.

To Learn more, read: What to do with empty candle jars? 

In today’s world, choosing environmentally friendly products is more important than ever. 

Next time you’re deciding on candles, consider the long-term effects on the environment—and know that with Candle Pearls™, you’re making the most eco-conscious choice.


1. How do you throw away a candle?

Allow the wax to cool, remove the wick, and discard any solidified wax. Recycle candles or reuse the container, and consider composting the wax if possible.

2. Can candles go in general waste?

Yes, traditional candles made of paraffin can go in general waste. However, compostable candles like Candle Pearls™ can be composted or disposed of sustainably.

3. Can you throw candle wax in the garbage?

Paraffin wax can be thrown in the garbage, but it’s better to reuse or recycle candles. Compostable wax, like that in Candle Pearls™, can be composted or buried in your garden.

4. How to dispose of candle wax?

For traditional wax, remove it from the container and dispose of it in the trash. Compostable wax, like Candle Pearls™, can be added to a compost pile or buried in your garden.

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